February 22, 2019
BASF Executive Committee Appointment - Liana Chen
Liana W. Chen has been selected for the Executive Committee of The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) Barristers Litigation Section. The Section’s mission is to develop and maintain a strong community among Bay Area litigators through legal education, social events, and other programs. The BASF was established in 1872, and the Barristers Club was founded in 1927 to promote fellowship among newer members of the legal profession. Liana zealously represents clients at all stages of litigation in state and federal courts. She started her career as a complex litigation associate at an international law firm in Washington, DC and currently focuses on Internet, new media, and technology cases
This entry was posted on Friday, February 22, 2019 and is filed under General News & Firm Announcements, Internet Law News.