May 01, 2008

Internet Law Firm Succeeds on Summary Judgment in CAN-SPAM Lawsuit.


On March 27, 2008 the Honorable Joseph C. Spero of the Northern District of California granted summary judgment to defendant, Inc. in a spam lawsuit. Internet Law Firm, Kronenberger Rosenfeld, represented in this proceeding. The lawsuit alleged that had procured the sending of several thousand unlawful commercial emails in violation of CAN-SPAM, 15 U.S.C. §7701 et seq. and California Business & Professions Code section 17529.5. The Court rejected the plaintiff’s claims on multiple grounds, finding that plaintiff had not suffered the necessary adverse effects to maintain a CAN-SPAM action, and that the plaintiff had offered no evidence that had known about let alone procured the emails at issue in the lawsuit. This is a significant decision in the limited arena of CAN-SPAM jurisprudence. The decision helps clarify the rules by which online marketers must act.

ASIS Internet Services v. Optin Global, et al., Case No. 05-5124 (N.D. Cal.) [D.E. 401]

Click here to view the order granting summary judgment to

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